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Harris, S., Meier, V. & Arya, D.J. (in press). Reconstructing the academic in academic language: Radically listening to hidden worlds of knowledge building. In A. Tomlin and O. Silverman Andrews (Eds.), When We Hear Them: Attuning Teachers to Language Diverse Students. Information Age Publishing.
Arya, D., Muller, A., Cano Barrios, J., Huyen, F., Rice, M., Christman, D., (2022) Undergraduate service learning as a context for exploring the ‘Institutional Void’ of higher education. In Pursuit of Liberation: Critical Service-Learning as Capacity Building for Historicized, Humanizing, and Embodied Action.
Karimi, H., Sañosa, D. J., Hernandez Rios, K., Tran, P., Chun, D. M., Wang, R., & Arya, D. J. (2023). Building a City in the Sky: Multiliteracies in Immersive Virtual Reality. CALICO Journal, 40(1), 24–44.
Arya, D.J., Maul A. (2021). Why Sociocultural Context Matters in the Science of Reading and the Reading of Science: Revisiting the Science Discovery Narrative. Reading Research Quarterly, 56(S1) pp. S273–S286
Pihen González, E.; Arya, D.J. Understanding ESD: Perceptions and Views from Guatemalan, Nicaraguan, and Costa Rican Educators. Environ. Sci. Proc. 2022, 15, 45. https://doi.org/10.3390/environsciproc2022015045
Arya, D.J., Clairmont, A., & Hirsch, S. (2020). Interpreting and explaining data representations: A comparison across grades 1-7. In T. Phillips and R. Dippre (Eds.), Perspectives in Writing. Colorado State University Press & the University Press of Colorado.
Cano Barrios, J., Nation, J., Pulgar, J., Arya, D., & Durán, R. (in press). Narrativas digitales para fomentar el interés en el aprendizaje de ciencias (Digital storytelling to foster interest in STEM learning). In C. Ricardo Barreto, J. Cano Barrios, C. Astorga Acevedo, & M. Borjas (Eds.), Ambientes de Aprendizaje Enriquecidos con TIC en Educación Infantil: Una Mirada Internacional. Barranquilla, Colombia: Editorial Universidad del Norte.
Nation, J., Harlow, D., Arya, D.J., & Longtin, M. (2019). From becoming to being scientists: Developing STEM programming for girls using design-based implementation research approaches, Afterschool Matters, 29, 36-44.
Arya, D.J.and Yu, J. (2018). Reading comprehension. Sage Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation. In B. Frey [Ed.], The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation[1383-1384]. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
Arya, D.J.Harlow, D. Hansen, Harmon, L., A. McBeath, J. & Pulgar, J. (2017). Innovative youth: An engineering and literacy integrated approach. Science Scope, 40(9), 82-88.
Arya, D.J.(2017). My long view of reading as composing reality. Writing through the Lifespan Collaboration. https://www.lifespanwriting.org/lifespan-blog/2017/5/14/my-longview-of-reading-as-composing-reality
Napoli, M., Sciaky, E., Arya, D.J.& Balos, N. (2017). PIPELINES: Fostering University-community college partnerships and STEM professional success for underrepresented populations. Proceedings in the 2017 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Columbus, OH.
Arya, D.J.& Maul, A. (2016). The building of knowledge, language, and decision-making about climate change science: a cross-national program for secondary students. International Journal of Science Education, 38(6), 885-904.
Arya, D. J., & Parker, J. K. (2015). Dialogic action in climate change discussions: An international study of high school students in China, New Zealand, Norway and the United States. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 3, 1-27.
Arya, D.J.(2014). [Review of Book Smart].Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 30, 174-175.
Beucher, B., Arya, D., & Wang, C. (2019). Interactive whiteboard (IWB) use during student collaborative reading practices: A year-long comparison of instructional approaches. Education 3-13, 1-16.
McClung, N., & Arya, D. J.(2018). Individual Differences in Fourth-Grade Math Achievement in Chinese and English. In Frontiers in Education, 3(29). doi: 10.3389/feduc.2018.00029
Arya, D.J.(2018). Readability. Sage Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation. In B. Frey [Ed.], The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation[pp. 1381-1382]. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
Arya, D.J.,McClung, N.A., Katznelson, N. & Scott, L. (2015). Language Ideologies and Literacy Achievement: Six Multilingual Countries and Two International Assessments. International Journal of Multilingualism, 13(1), 40-60.
Arya, D.J.,McClung, N.A., Maul, A. & Cunningham, A.E. (2014). The effects of early home literacy environments on fourth-grade literacy achievement: An international comparison. International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education,2(1), 1-16.
Arya, D.J.(2012). [Review of Handbook of Adolescent Literacy Research]. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 55(5), 465-470.
Arya, D. J.,& Maul, A. (2012). The role of the scientific discovery narrative in middle school science education: An experimental study. Journal of educational psychology, 104(4), 1022-1032.
Arya, D.J., Hiebert, E.H., & Pearson, P.D. (2011). The effects of syntactic and lexical complexity on the comprehension of elementary science texts. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, Special Issue: Reading Comprehension, 4(1), 107-125.
Arya, D.J.,Balos, N., Napoli, M. & Skiaky, E. (2017).The benefits of ethnographic research in exploring new intervention in STEM higher education programs. Proceedings in the 2017 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Columbus, OH.